About Us

About us
The Australian Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) Platform came together in 1997 from across food and beverage value-chain to provide practical and commercial perspectives on issues and policies that impact Australia’s agricultural sector.

Who we are

SAI is a unique member-based organisation committed to supporting the development of sustainable agriculture. The SAI Platform draws its strength from these different corporations and sectors, coming together to solve problems. Its sole agenda is to improve the sustainability of agriculture and productivity.

Together, the SAI members have promoted and implemented solutions, as well as collaborated across the supply chain to increase the impact of these solutions.  SAI is unique not only in its size and scope of its cross value chain membership, but also in that it works in a non-lobbying, noncompetitive environment.

What we do

The SAI aims to inform and advise on the key issues that impact sustainable food and beverage production in Australia. It undertakes activities and actions that could benefit the sector, including trialing approaches, implementing specific sustainability practices and encouraging R&D involving supply chain participants, and it partners with business, government and other networks to drive improved sustainability.

The SAI’s focus is connecting the farm-gate, manufacturers, buyers, policy makers, retailers, academics and investors to solve problems in the best interests of the industry, our farmers and productivity.  SAI members are actively undertaking sustainability actions within their own businesses and organisations.  Members also share knowledge and information in areas of common interest (at the pre-competitive stage).  Members have developed and are committed to a suite of sustainability guidelines covering environmental, social and economic aspects.

Why join

The SAI Platform is the only organisation that gives you a complete view of the agricultural supply chain in Australia.  SAI provides a gateway into key businesses and organisations active in Australia’s agriculture, food and beverage supply chain.  These can provide practical perspectives across a range of areas that impact on business operations and policy directions.

SAI could help to achieve mutually desired improved sustainability outcomes.  You could invest or partner them to run trial projects and activities or help to build capacity of participants in the agriculture, food and beverage value chain.  SAI members could be influential partners or participants in driving the changes required to achieve tangible outcomes.


The SAI Platform Aust Inc was established in 2007 as an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation legislation of Victoria and operates under a formal set of Rules consistent with the legislation.  The Platform is an action oriented industry based initiative to develop, promote and implement sustainable agricultural practices.


The Platform has a formal Statement of Purposes under which the Platform aims to bring together those commercial groups with a vital interest in the sustainability of agricultural production, particularly for the supply of food and beverages, to assist in the development of sustainable agricultural practices in Australia and worldwide.

Members of the Association may have initiated or promoted sustainable agriculture initiatives within their own organisations, but the Platform aims to bring these organisations together to share and promote the knowledge base of the members to increase general awareness of the concept and practices of sustainable agriculture.


The Platform is a member-based organisation.  To be eligible for membership, corporations must be engaged in the growing or production of agricultural commodities, their processing and sale and industries related to the servicing of producers, processors and sellers of those commodities. It undertakes voluntary activities to enhance agricultural sustainability and operates in a pre-competitive manner.

Potential members must complete a formal application process before they can be accepted.  The procedures include completion of an Expression of Interest form and acceptance as a member by the elected Committee of Management of the association.


The Committee of Management is elected at the Annual General meeting of the association and consists of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer and two additional Committee members.

The Platform holds 4 meetings of all members per annum (including the Annual General Meeting), and additionally operates a number of Working Groups which meet and advise the Committee and Platform members in making decisions. 

Trade Practices

SAI Platform (Aust) Inc requires all members to comply with the relevant Trade Practices laws. Having applied for membership of SAI Platform (Aust) Inc all members are required to formally agree to be bound by and to observe the Association’s Trade Practices Principles.  These state inter alia, that the Association, its meetings and activities must not be used by members for any anti-competitive purposes.  Funding and administration

The Platform is funded predominantly by membership fees augmented by voluntary sponsorships provided by members for projects, conferences, field trips or other initiatives, as well as grants obtained from funding external sources.  The Platform is administered by professional service-providers under the direction of the Committee of Management.

SAI Platform (International)


The SAI Platform (Aust) Inc operates as an independently operating Chapter of the international SAI Platform based in Switzerland, operating independently but endorsed by the international organisation and sharing similar goals and objectives.  The Australian Chapter is able to draw upon the considerable library of information developed by the international Platform on sustainable agriculture practices.

Become a Member

To become a member, contact Selwyn Heilbron via the Contact page or simply call on +61 418 548099.

The Australian SAI Platform community shares common goals and aspirations. Joining the SAI community has fostered constructive relationships with other organisations across the food and agriculture value chain, creating valuable opportunities for information sharing and learning, advancing our collective sustainability progress.”
Bill Pardy, Head of Sustainable Agriculture, Australia, Nutrien Ag Solutions

SAI Platform Membership Prospectus

SAI Global

Benefits of SAI membership